Steve McKay, Kai Hagen, Jerry Donald, MC Keegan-Ayer, Phil Dacey, Jessica Fitzwater, Michael Blue

Dear Constituent,

On behalf of the Frederick County Council, we are pleased to have been a part of the Livable Frederick Master Plan (LFMP) process. This Plan is a new and innovative way to look at how we plan for Frederick County’s future. It proposes no new growth areas, no expansion of existing growth areas, and no zoning changes. This new LFMP replaces the 2010 comprehensive plan, “Frederick County’s Future,” but does not change the Comprehensive Plan Map of 2012. The County will now commence with an implementation process that will take place, through small area or corridor plans.

The County Council had 11 meetings or public hearings with input from County staff, community groups, several council members, and individual constituents. There were nearly 200 community meetings where community input was sought, welcomed, and in many instances, those suggestions were then incorporated into the final plan.

The County Council considered more than 50 amendments before finalizing the LFMP you see today. We are extremely proud of the deliberative, open, transparent, and collaborative manner in which we finalized this document.

Frederick County is truly a community that has a rich history and a bright future, and the Livable Frederick Master Plan will aid us in setting a course for the years to come.

For the Frederick County Council

MC Keegan-Ayer


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