imageIntroduction imageOur Vision imageDevelopment Framework imageAction Framework

The Action Framework is a collection of goals, initiatives, and supporting initiatives that describe community actions to support of Our Vision. It constitutes a complex whole of high-level concepts feeding into low-level actions that systematically describes a means of moving from the abstractions and general aspirations of the vision to the operational and functional details of implementing the vision. This approach connects things to do with to their purpose, with the ultimate purpose of any of the items in the Action Framework being the realization of Our Vision. Policies articulated in the Action Framework are organized to reflect the following four vision themes: Co-Our Community, He-Our Health, Ec-Our Economy, and Ev-Our Environment.

A list of all policies in the Action Framework that can be sorted by keyword is available here: ACTION FRAMEWORK DATABASE

Tap/click the headings below to expand each topic and explore policies.

Vision Themes

imageIntroduction imageOur Vision imageDevelopment Framework imageAction Framework